What's the difference between Midjourney and DALL•E text to image AI?
Here are the 7 main differences between the 2 programs:
The images above were generated using 2 prompts with DALL-E.
DALL-E Generated
Top 7 differences between the 2 AI Text to Image Programs:
1. Midjourney produces 4 images for every prompt (but you can do up to 10 prompts in 1, which generates 40 images with 1 prompt).
DALL-E produces 2 images per prompt (if it's in the mood, sometimes it's just 1).
2. Midjourney prompts are very literal with how they interpret styles while DALL-E exercises a little more creative initiative.
3. Material boards in Midjourney are more "simple" than in DALL-E. DALL-E has more going on and more depth to the way it generates the material inspiration.
4. Midjourney allows for upscaling inside the program to get a better resolution, DALL-E does not. I use e an AI image upscale for my print on demand art and textures in addition called Topaz AI.
5. You can run multiple prompts at one time in Midjourney to work faster, DALL-E does one at a time, and sometimes, the servers are overloaded, so it won't do anything. (I anticipate them fixing this).
Midjourney Generated
6. DALL-E is a chatbot so you can have conversations to tweak images and use it to generate other images based on the conversations. Midjourney allows for variations of images with 1 click, but it doesn't chat with you in text.
7. The full DALL-E program is part of chat GPT-4 Plus. Here are instructions to sign up for Dall-E and Chat GPT Plus through Open AI (the parent company for thse programs). Canva has DALL-E integrated, but it's not the full in-depth experience.
Midjourney is available now, and you can start with the basic plan of $10/mo.
A note from the article’s author- Interior Designer, Jenna Gaidusek: “I use both for different elements in my business. And with DALL-E being a part of chat GPT, it is nice to have all my AI assistance in one place.”
Choose the program that works best for you and your business goals or use both, visit the upcoming AI class list for in depth trainings.
The images below were generated with 2 prompts using Midjourney (V. 5.2)